
POPCRU speaks about police killings

JOBURG – Following the spate of police killings Popcru encourages police not to hesitate when confronted by criminals.

The Police and Prison Civil Rights Union (Popcru) said that it was infuriated by the continued killings of police.

The union insisted that organisations such as AfriForum were stirring up fear for those entrusted with defending and protecting the public, which played into the hands of private security companies. According to Popcru police should not hesitate when confronted by criminals.

“Right-wing elements like AfriForum continue to publicly ridicule our police services in the public domain, all in their quest to justify the limitless guns they [AfriForum] continue to possess,” said Popcru media and communication officer Richard Mamabolo.

He explained that the union wanted to assure the public that this trend would come to an abrupt end, and encouraged improved community-police relations in the reduction and combat of those ills.

“Through working together, police killings and any form of brutality will not go unnoticed and should be decisively dealt with. We call on the government to prioritise this matter as one police killing is one too many,” said Mamabolo.

He further explained that the government should look at the long term solutions by way of addressing the socio-economic conditions most South Africans find themselves in.

“We can no longer give lip-service to this atrocity. Police must continue to act decisively when confronted with such elements who disregard the rights of others to life,” he concluded.

AfriForum national head of community safety Ian Cameron said that Popcru did not understand that AfriForum works with the police but also criticises them when they fail.

“Training is not good enough. Many cops are incompetent with firearms; some cannot even write statements or open dockets properly. So why shouldn’t we talk about that,” he asked.

According to Cameron their organisation was not a right-wing but an inclusive organisation with members of all races.

He said they were working with police on provincial level and on the ground to help eradicate the scourge of police killing but they would take a stand if police were failing the public.

Details: Afri-Forum Community Safety 073 388 0474; POPCRU 011 242 4600.

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