Lessons interrupted at primary school

The dust has not settle at the primary school yet.

Lessons were disrupted at the Roodepoort Primary School in Davidsonville this morning when the principal, two deputy principals and a host of teachers failed to arrive for work.

Tensions at the school have been simmering for a long time, with allegations of racism, patronage and nepotism over the appointment of staff constantly doing the rounds.Classes are regularly being disrupted and despite efforts by education MEC Panyaza Lesufi and the education department, no end to the problem seems to be in sight.

It is clear that the differences between parents, school management, the department and the MEC are not being resolved, and learners are being unfairly disadvantaged whenever school days are disrupted.

To this end the DA calls on MEC Lesufi to meet with all parties, and get agreement on the appointment of an independent mediator, who will be given the task of engaging with all groups and to chart a way forward. Education is key to building a better life, and the DA calls on all stakeholders to take an active step in returning learning and teaching at Roodepoort Primary back to normal.

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