Byron jetting off for treatment

Brain cancer patient Byron Ball, 26, sets off to india to receive treatment.

India is not a holiday destination but rather a pit stop on the road to recovery for brain cancer patient Byron Ball.

He will be jetting off for state-of-the-art treatment in Bangalore, India on 19 June thanks to a generous family member.

Since the Record’s initial article about the mother-and-son duo Maggie Bailey and Byron who is fighting cancer with fundraising and awareness talks, they were granted a ‘loan’ for the expensive treatment. Byron’s condition has worsened since the article appeared in April.

“My son-in-law has agreed to help pay for the treatment, but we feel we want to and have to pay him back for the ‘loan’,” Maggie told the Record.

“Though we thank God for the opportunity to help Byron, we will be jumping back in with fundraising once we return from India,” she said.

Byron has a tumour lodged in the pineal region of his brain (pineal germinoma). In South Africa doctors have exhausted every possible avenue of treatment for the germinoma in public hospitals, but his trip to India might turn things around. After arriving in Bangalore, Byron will be admitted to the Health Care Global facility where he will undergo treatment for two weeks before returning. The pair are in the process of securing sponsorships with Etihad Airlines for the airline tickets and Dischem for the vaccinations they require before they can board the airplane.

While unable to work, Byron has given motivational talks at Lantern School and Monument Primary School as well as at a company in Sandton. In March this year, he and Maggie handed over R32 000 to Cansa which they raised through Shavathon-type events.

Contact Maggie on 011 766 3556 or 082 369 1081 to find out how you can help.

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