Police nab wanted criminals

WELTEVREDEN PARK – Honeydew Police arrest wanted criminals in Weltevreden Park.

Visible policing and patrols in the community proved fruitful when Honeydew Police recently arrested four men. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs said their officers were patrolling in Weltevreden Park when they noticed a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a house.

“The members made a U-turn to investigate, the suspects then spotted the police vehicle and started driving away from the house,” explained WO Jacobs. A chase ensued and the officers managed to pull the vehicle over. “Inside the vehicle were four male occupants. The members searched the vehicle and found various housebreaking implements,” added WO Jacobs.

The suspects were taken to Honeydew Police Station where the investigation continued and it was established that the suspects were wanted in connection with outstanding cases of armed robbery, possession of stolen property and possession of unlicensed firearms at different stations in Gauteng, according to WO Jacobs.

The suspects appeared in the Roodepoort Magistrates’ court and remain in custody.

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