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Childcare service provider responsibilities

FERNDALE – Did you know the Department of Environmental Health has clearly stipulated general duties of a child-care service provider stipulated in section 14 of the Public Health Bylaws?

Parents put their faith in childcare service providers to take care of their children during the day.

Parents hope that their children are well cared for, however, following an alleged physical and mental abuse case in Ferndale recently, it is important for parents to know what the bylaws state concerning the role of a childcare service provider.

Any person who provides a childcare service must ensure that the children are properly cared for and supervised at all times; maintain every part of the premises, including any equipment which needs to be kept in good repair and in a clean and hygienic condition at all times.

The Department of Environmental Health has clearly stipulated general duties of a childcare service provider in section 14 of the Public Health Bylaws.

The section states that any person who provides a childcare service must:

• Ensure that all persons on or in the premises are clean in person and clothing and are in good state of health

• Ensure that no person smokes or uses any tobacco product in the presence of children

• Ensure that the toys, books and other indoor play materials intended for day-to-day use are available in any indoor play area and suitably stored so that they are within easy reach of the children

• Ensure that the children are at all times under the direct supervision of an adult [including playtime and breaks]

• If meals are provided, display a two-weekly menu that must be visible to the parents

• Provide an approved refuse area, with adequate refuse bins, for the storage of refuse pending removal

• Provide each child with a towel, preferably disposable, for his or her individual use on the premises.

If transport to or from a childcare service is provided, the legislation states that a childcare service provider should ensure that:

• The children are supervised by at least one adult apart from the driver during transport

• When children are transported in the back of an enclosed light commercial vehicle, ensure that no exhaust fumes enter the enclosed area and that it is adequately ventilated.

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