Gustav Preller pupils shine

Dillon Willemse and Justin Pietersen are making their school, Laerskool Gustav Preller proud with their sports achievements.

Two Laerskool Gustav Preller pupils are making their school proud by achieving high results in wrestling and rugby.

Justin Pietersen was chosen to be part of the South African junior wrestling team. He was one of the best performers at the Gauteng Championships this year. The grade seven pupil started wrestling almost three years ago to improve his rugby skills. He quickly fell in love with the sport and has not looked back since.

“It is the first I’m chosen to be part of the team and it’s exciting,” said Justin.

Dillon Willemse was selected into the Lions Reds team. This is where young rugby talent is nurtured for the Lions Rugby Union. He will know in the next few days whether he has made it into the Lions junior team. The 13-year-old flyhalf said he is excited to be chosen.

“It is a privilege to be in the team because not everyone who attends the trials is chosen. It means the selectors saw my talent and I’m happy about it,” he said.

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