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Toddler involved in spar crash recovering

A case was opened against the driver.

The three-year-old girl who was critically injured following a crash at the Witpoortjie Spar is recovering well.

Zoey Tsotetsi is currently out of hospital and is undergoing physical therapy for her right leg that was injured in the crash.

Zoey was with her parents Innocent and Diana while walking into the Spar when a vehicle veered in their direction.

Her mother was a second too late in pulling Zoey out of the way and the vehicle pushed her against the shop’s windows.

She was rushed to Garden City hospital where she spent five days in Intensive Care Unit with a cracked pelvis, bleeding liver and she was breathing through a ventilator. She was released from hospital a week later.

Her father, Innocent said the family is thankful Zoey is recovering well and that she survived the ordeal.

“We thank God she survived because she had internal injuries. Doctors released her because they thought it would help her recover if she was in a comfortable environment with her loved ones. Her internal injuries are healing but we are taking it one step at a time,” said the father.

Although Zoey’s recovery has been steady, she still has trouble with her right leg.

“She can’t play with other children the way she used to because her leg hurts after a while but we are hopeful that the pain will heal in due time. It is all in the past now and we are just looking towards the future,” said Innocent.

The family has opened a case against Charlene de Wit, the driver responsible for the incident. Charlene was arrested on the day of the crash after she surrendered herself to Roodepoort police but she was later released.

“I would also like to thank the support of the community who has helped us greatly including the Netcare 911 services and Garden City hospital in our time of need,” said Innocent.

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