Editor's choiceMunicipalNews

Steep hike in tariffs coming

Consumers must brace themselves for a steep hike.

If the City of Johannesburg has its way, and it most likely will, residents will have to cough up as of 1 July.

The city has tabled a proposal for a tariff hike of 12.19 per cent for electricity, between 11 per cent and 17 per cent on water, six per cent for rates, 15 per cent for sewerage and eight per cent for refuse removal. The increase for water is pending input from Rand Water.

It is believed the proposal will be approved on Wednesday.

The electricity tariff will no longer be stepped which means everyone will pay 12.9 percent regardless of usage. City Power will also penalise those who use electricity between 7am and 10am and between 6pm and 9pm with increased tariffs..

Critics of the proposed hike said it will affect the poor the worst.

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