Driving the wrong way is criminal

JOHANNESBURG – People drive in the wrong side of the road, are eligible for fine.

Many complaints have been made recently of people driving on the wrong side of the road to skip traffic in Johannesburg’s northern suburbs.

Residents John Dott and Joni Tollner said people do this in River Road, Fontainebleau, to reach Rabie Street quicker.

“When the traffic is bad, people shoot along River Road to take their chances,” Dott said.

“Mainly the taxis make River Road a one way going toward Rabie [Street] so when you come down Rabie [Street] from either side, you see two lanes facing you.”

Tollner said that once she almost crashed into a taxi driving in the wrong lane as she turned into River Road. “Nearly had an aneurysm before I could finally turn into our driveway,” she commented.

Tollner took photos of vehicles doing this.

In response, Metro Police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar said that he sent the complaint to Metro Police Deputy Director Mike Smith for investigation and action, as “driving on the wrong side of the road is a contravention of the National Road Traffic Act” worth a R1 000 fine.

Another resident Diana Roos also took photos of vehicles driving in the wrong lane in Snelskaats Street, Weltevreden Park, heading from Tennis Road to Softball Street.

She claimed that two accidents have occurred in the street in the last year because of this.

Resident Mark Souris said that vehicles drive in the wrong lane on Pritchard Street, Olivedale, to reach Christo Avenue faster.

“Heated arguments and gesturing start, and it is only a matter of time before we have a road rage incident,” he said.

He also took a video of this.

Details: Metro Police 011 758 9100.

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