
Trinityhouse pupils dazzle audiences

LITTLE FALLS – Pupils keep Trinityhouse High School's name high in national debating competition.

Pupils from the Trinityhouse High School took part in the national Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV) Debate Competition.

Organiser of the event Lizelle van Staden attended the debate competition as an adjudicator and she explained that the pupils dazzled the audience with their well thought out and written speeches.

School principal Lynne Davis said, “When you combine the performance aspects of speeches with additional writing and rehearsal components, you have a powerful combination of ingredients that results in effective communication. This was confidently displayed at the debate competition.”

She added that public speaking is not just about preparing to speak to the masses, it’s about focusing on the communication essentials that form part of the performance package.

“This includes eye contact, tone of voice, volume variations, rhythm and speed, gestures and nervous tendencies.”

“Congratulations to all the students that participated, you’ve done us proud,” concluded Davis.

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