
One Disaster Management officer per 258k people in Johannesburg

Councillors not happy with City's plan.

There are only 14 disaster management officers for the entire city – that amounts to one per 258,000 people or one official for about 117 square kilometers.

This was revealed during a presentation by City of Johannesburg Disaster Management divisional head Tshepo Motlhale to the Disaster Management Forum at Roodepoort Chambers. Motlhale delivered a presentation on the restructuring in progress within the disaster management function, citing lack of staff and the need for more resources.

He also explained that a recent survey revealed that disaster management is not ‘taken very seriously’ within local government and that most matters discussed did not progress to action. It was revealed that the function and structure of the advisory forum – the working group that reports to the Head of Department of Disaster Management – will change in order to expedite change.

The presentation also covered the key priorities that will be covered by the Disaster Management Plan, the most notable being fires, flash floods, hijacked buildings, and communicable diseases. A representative from World Vision suggested that public unrest and protests be added to those priorities, given the recent flare-up of protests in townships.

As part of the restructuring efforts, Motlhale stated that the city mayor and manager would be invited to sit on the Advisory Forum, and that more early warning systems would be rolled out in the city.

Several local ward councillors expressed their frustration and discontent during a tense question and answer session. Councillor

Ingrid Reinten pointed out the city’s lack of communication on systematic reporting on critical issues related to disaster management. Councillor Gert Niemand also took to task the department officials present over this year’s Disaster

Management Plan, claiming that ‘it was a copy and paste job from last year’s document’. The Head of Department of Disaster Management Moshema Mosiwa took particular exception to the allegation, explaining that the ‘document is continuously being updated’.

Niemand could not be reached for comment.

Motlhale did indicate that the Department of Disaster Management has committed to providing more funding and acquiring more human resources to address the shortcomings encountered.

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