Teen soars international wings

WILGEHEUWEL – Local teenager shows SA's got talent to international audience.

Wilgeheuwel resident Lauren Blight is one teen with more than enough talent, after showcasing at an international convention in Florida, US.

Blight took part in the Actors, Models and Talent for Christ Shine Convention, where she participated in a number of segments for industry heavyweights, including VH1 and the Disney Channel.

“The experience was very beneficial to Lauren because of the international exposure and it was a real eye-opener because the competitions back home are not as big, America is literally bigger and better,” says Lauren’s mother Corina Blight.

The teenager participated in on-camera acting, photography, solo vocals and an a capella singing off at the biannual event.

“It was very overwhelming when I arrived there the first time, but the people were amazing. I am looking forward to the upcoming competition and my passion for music drives me to consistently improve myself,” said the beaming teen, who added she loves both acting and singing.

The convention provides young people and adults from around the globe to showcase their talents in the respective fields including singing, dancing and acting. During the convention, mentoring and training is provided with seminars and workshops.

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