Beacon and Egg Toastmasters toast new year

The breakfast and egg toastmasters breakfast club kick off the year

The Bacon and Egg Toastmasters Breakfast Club held its first meeting of the New Year this weekend.

The non-profit organisation met in Horizon View.

The purpose of Toast masters is to help members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills.

Each member of the club is given a task at the meeting and is then evaluated on their leadership skills. Those who give speeches are also evaluated for their competent communication skills.

The theme for the meeting was new beginnings and the speeches had to center around the theme.

Table topics is another activity where members are chosen at random to speak about a certain topic chosen.

At the end of the event, evaluators will critique all of the speeches and give encouragement to members to improve themselves.

Trophies are awarded for speech of the day, best table topics, best speaker and best evaluator.

The organisation is very rigid on time keeping, emulating the boardroom environment and how to run a meeting on schedule. Those who cannot keep time are disqualified.

Best Speaker: Justine Lacey and Bijendra Singh
Table Topics:Malibongwe Mlonzi
Best Evaluator: Elaine O’Gorman

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