Head first into the swing of things

CONSTANTIA KLOOF — Nothing but enthusiasm for Grade 1s at Constantia Kloof Primary School.

Grade 1s wasted no time getting into the rhythm of ‘big school’ at Constantia Kloof Primary School on 14 January.

Seated in their respective classrooms, the pupils got busy with colouring and counting exercises. Cleary excited with this new chapter in their lives, the Grade 1s on Sinda Pillay’s class responded positively to their teacher and showed great enthusiasm

“There is so much excitement and eagerness for the kids and their parents. They are just so excited to learn everything and actually look forward to it.”

With small, intimate classrooms, they started off with naming exercise, where they identified their body parts in a fun and energetic manner. For first timers, they definitely impressed with their counting skills, recounting the quantity of different objects in the class.

There were no tears or sad faces, as parents might suspect while they wave goodbye to their children. Even twins Kemayha and Taeyha Singh got on with everyone like a house on fire despite being in separate classes.

Pillay, who has been an educator for 16 years added, “every day is something different. The work and curriculum is more or less the same but there is always something new to learn and experience. As a teacher, it is always exciting to experience that with the pupils.”

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