Moderate chances of load shedding

Eskom needs R50 billion bail out.

Load shedding will more than likely commence today due to the strain that the opening of heavy industries and businesses will put on Eskom’s power system.

The electricity supplier has admitted on Friday that it can not meet the demand.

Load shedding will take place according to the published schedules said spokesperson Khulu Pasiwe.

Eskom is also facing a major financial crisis due to the fact that it has to use diesel to generate power which is complicating the matter of load shedding even further. The power supplier is awaiting a R50 billion bail out from the government. It is said that it uses R1 billion worth of diesel a month in order to generate power. Eskom has claimed that it only has enough money to operate until the end of the month.

The two coal fired power stations, Medupi and Kusile, which is supposed to bring relief on the power grid, is believed to only be completed in a few years.

For the load shedding schedules go to

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