anxiety survival tips for parents

HONEYDEW — Your child's first day of school should be filled with tears.

It is absolutely normal to experience some anxiety and a few panic attacks as a parent about your child’s very first day at school.

In recent years, parents have gradually opened up about fears of their child growing up too quickly when the first day at crèche starts looming just days ahead. The reality has flipped from the kids crying for their parents to stay, to the other way around.

The great news is that you are not the only parent who feels that their little one is going into a cold dark world. Educational psychologist Leanda Otto adds that such feelings can be based on the parent’s previous experience with such an occasion.

“For some children it can be traumatic in the sense that its completely new for them, it’s physically a ‘big’ space with ‘big children’ whom they do not know. For the parents on the other hand, it can also be traumatic in the sense that they have to let their little babies (who are not that little any more) out into the ‘real’ world.”

Otto encourages parents to keep the following in mind to turn the experience into a positive one:

She concludes that one should “Try to keep emotions in tact as your child might feed off your emotions, so if mommy cries… Take lots and lots of pictures and cry on the way home.”

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