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Former drug addict speaks out

He after being addicted to drugs for close to eight years, this young man is turning his life around.

With all the drugs in his system, former drug addict Davin Sparks (24) would have been dead in a week’s time if it had not been for his mother Erika who intervened and insisted he go to a rehabilitation centre.

The life of a drug addict is one of chaos, highs, lows and the wrong friends. Davin said he started smoking cigarettes when he was only 14-years-old. He soon started to experiment with dagga and the deadly combination of alcohol and the wrong friends, his life was in a downwards spiral to get his next fix. He said at the age of 17, he was already addicted to Cat. “I decided to go the America for a year. During that time I did not use any drugs, but when I got back to South Africa, I started using drugs again,” Davin said and added that he could not go back to the States because he was involved in a bar fight and had to wait for the court case.

“I became involved with a girl who was addicted to Cat. To support our habit, we became dealers and although we made a lot of money, everything went up our noses. The more we sold, the more we used.”

He said the more drugs he used, the more he hallucinated and freaked out and at one stage even believed he was on Carte Blanche. According to Erika, the rehabilitation clinic said that if it was a week later, Davin would have been dead. “The amount of drugs in his system was enough to kill him.”

Davin said drug addicts lose the fear of over dosing, but are always aware of where the police is. The turning point in his life came when he visited his father, who is also an addict. “I saw what he looked like and I saw myself in him. I didn’t want to be and look like that. He was shabby with yellow teeth and couldn’t follow a conversation. That is when I called my mom and said I needed help.”

Erika said felt a rush of relief when she got that life-changing phone call. “The first step was for him to admit he had a problem. I started calling rehabilitation centres but they asked an astronomical amount of money for a 21 day stay. I eventually made inquiries at my church and was referred to Walking with Winners in Vereniging. It is a six months course and my son came out a different person.”

Erika said her son at one stage threatened to leave the centre, but she obtained a court order to keep him there. “The court order states that should he relapse in the next three years, he will have to go back again. I am just grateful that he got help.”

Davin said, while in rehab, he hated his mom for putting him through the painful process of detoxifying. “The withdrawal stage was terrible, but I am adamant that I will not go back to using drugs again,” Davin said and added that although he has been clean for only six months, he has stopped smoking, gained weight and is turning his life around. “My future plans include getting involved with the church to help others and try to save souls. I am also looking for full-time employment,” Davin said and added that he is grateful that his mother never gave up on him.

For more information about the Walking with Winners call Dave and Isobel Barber or 079-074-4417, Gary Mortimer on 072-748-7132, Jacques Peterson on 072-379-5200,  or visit the website on www.nodrugs.co.za


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