
Residents to beware of hazards

Road Agency's negligence potentially dangerous.

Motorists and pedestrians are warned of two hazards on the same stretch of road.

Around the last bend on Crous Drive between Piper Close and Vista Place there is pothole in the middle of the road. It seems like the Johannesburg Rads Agency (JRA) has erected traffic cones and danger tape around the pothole as well as a warning sign but this now causes traffic from both sides to have to drive around the pothole going into each other’s lanes. The fact that the pothole is just around the bend and therefore only visible when it is almost too late, increases the possibility of an accident.

Further down the same road where it becomes Galena Avenue, there is a large storm-water drain of which the one concrete cover is gone leaving a gaping hole while a second one is balanced in such a precarious and misleading way that it will also fall into the drain should a pedestrian or child step on it. The storm-water drain is about three-and-a-half metres deep and falling into it can cause serious injury or even be fatal.

JRA who is supposed to deal with both these problems could not be reached for comment.

On the corner of Argent Street and Galena Avenue pedestrians shoul watch out for this open storm-water drain.
On the corner of Argent Street and Galena Avenue pedestrians should watch out for this open storm-water drain.

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