Family hijacked in driveway

A Helderkruin family was hijacked in their driveway this past Saturday.

A Helderkruin family was hijacked in their driveway this past Saturday. Deon and Annemarie Engelbrecht had just come from the doctor at 8pm when a red BMW two door coupe parked behind them, blocking the gate from closing.

Two men stepped out of the vehicle with 9mm guns while a third stayed in the car. The two gunmen approached the driver and the passenger window with their guns raised and took Annemarie’s purse and cellphone. The assailants then ordered the two to step out of the vehicle and lie on the floor.

“I just begged them not to shoot my husband because in cases like these, they always shoot the men first. They replied that they will not to anything because they knew my husband was sick. This means they had followed us from the doctor,” said Annemarie.

The assailants then asked if there was anybody in the house. Fortunately the rest of their family was in the house.

“I was afraid for my grandchildren, normally when we drive in they would rush out of the house and greet us,” said Annemarie.
The assailants then took the car keys and drove off with Audi Q7 in a rush. Deon and Annemarie immediately got up and called for help.

They called the police four times before they got through.

According to the family, the police reacted so slow that they had to ask for help from Dowry security who was parked in a nearby petrol garage.

They claim it took the police 45 minutes to arrive at the home and were unhelpful. When they arrived, one of the officers allegedly asked where the car was.
The car, which is fitted with a tracker, was found parked in Orlando East after Deon drove alone to retrieve it.

The family has opened a case of hijacking at the Roodepoort Police station and the car will be sent to Lenasia’s section 13 to be cleared.

This is not the first incident that has occurred in the home, just last year, three bicycles were stolen from their property on Christmas Eve and the police have allegedly done nothing to investigate.

In another incident, a man tried to threaten a relative with a gun to open the gates of the home. The relative tried to call police and the police did not respond.

The police could not be reached for comment.

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