Local business chosen for Montecasino exhibition

RANDPARK RIDGE — A local business owner is using her passion for wildlife and community to change lives

A Randpark Ridge entrepreneur has been selected as one of 46 exhibitors at the upcoming Christmas market at Montecasino.

The exhibitions is set to run from 3 to 7 December, showcasing small and medium enterprises to a larger audience. The platform is a way for small business owners to attract more clientele.

Emma van Wyk’s DNA wild is one of the businesses chosen to showcase her products.

DNA wild has only been operating for a year and works with various community projects across South Africa, particularly women in rural areas.

“They have been taught how to make the most beautiful crafts such as ceramics and embroided purses and cushion covers. They obviously rely on the sale of these crafts to care for their families. The problem is that they are so rural that they have a real problem getting their goods to market and so, we buy from them and try to get them to retailers,” said van Wyk.

A Zoologist by profession, Emma cannot hide her passion for both the wildlife and working with community based projects. She is involved in Rhino Force and stressed the importance of finding a balance between animals and people.

“I used to work for the Nature Conservation Trust with Howard Buffet and in that time we travelled across the continent visiting humanitarian projects and refugee camps. What those travels taught me is that it is pointless working with just the wildlife or just the people. To me, everything is linked together,” said Van Wyk proudly.

This budding entrepreneur could not hide her excitement with the upcoming exhibition and said it was a great way to grow the DNA wild brand and get more exposure. She will be showcasing all the products she gets from the organisation, which are all hand-made.

“This is very exciting because we are currently only web based. I am hoping we will get more exposure and expand. We want to attract more clients in the corporate world. I would love to have a shop selling what these women make. Of course, we want to get involved with more community projects in the next year,” she concluded.

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