Florida post office ransacked

Allegedly a group of between 50 and 100 strikers stormed the Florida Post Office this afternoon (Wednesday 19 November).

The strikers approached the post office armed with bricks, sticks and other weapons, said Suburban Security officer Vincent Ngobeni on scene.

“The first man came and used a brick to break some of the glass panels near the entrance,” Ngobeni said.

“The rest of them followed.”

Ngobeni feared that he will be targeted due to the red tie he was wearing today resembling the official post office uniform.

“I had to run,” he said.

Most of the glass window panes at the entrance were smashed with their weapons, and the doors’ glass cracked.

Once inside, Ngobeni said that the rioters ransacked the place. Queue barriers were strewn across the floor, the glass window panes behind which the employees worked were smashed and furniture was moved around.

“The staff were basically forced out of their working environment,” Ngobeni said.

Business hours are usually from 8am to 4.30 pm on weekdays but the post office was deserted upon the record’s arrival at 2.50pm.

He could not call for backup during the incident but later spoke to the Florida police on scene.

“According to one of the police officers, some electronics and about R2 000 in cash was stolen,” Ngobeni alleged.

Florida police spokesperson Lydia Dikolomela said that a case had been opened pertaining to the incident. One suspect was arrested.

The record will update the story as it develops.


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