Practise caution this festive season

WELTEVREDN PARK — The holiday season is associated with parties and celebrations but it is important to spot the signs of substance abuse during this time

The festive season may be a time of get-togethers and relaxing with family and friends but it essential that we take the dangers of the season into consideration where alcohol and drugs are involved.

For Grade 12 pupils, December is also a time when they have just completed their final exams and are looking to take the edge off with substance abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse are rife during the holiday season, leading to numerous road carnages and heartache when the new year arrives.

Brendon Richardson, managing director at the Moon Recovery Centre in Weltevreden Park said, “Alcohol and drug abuse is already at epidemic proportions in South Africa and the holiday season brings with it a period of celebration and partying; which usually results in more deaths from alcohol and drugs. What is really frightening is the age at which people partake in substance abuse.”

Richardson adds that there has been a shocking rise of serious drug alcohol abuse among children as young as 14 years old. The most common drugs in that age group is methcathinone, meth, tik and alcohol.

He warns parents and guardians to look out for the following signs associated with the use of paraphernalia:

“Each of these drugs present dangerous after effects to a developing mind and body and can often lead to severe mental disorders, bipolar and even permanent brain damage, “ warned Richardson.

It is imperative to know the signs that come with excessive drug and alcohol use and find help immediately.

Contact: 011 012 1290

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