Police declare zero tolerance against drunken drivers

HONEYDEW - Police arrest 42q motorists for drunk driving.

For the month of October, 42 drunken drivers were arrested around Honeydew precinct. Honeydew Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs said as the festive season is fast approaching, they will have zero tolerance for drunken driving. “The police together with other national and provincial authorities are committed to reducing this crime, particularly over festive periods such as the Christmas holidays,” explained Jacobs. She highlighted that that they are not trying to stop community members from having a good time but they just need to be responsible about doing it. Jacobs mentioned that their operations will be intensified and those found to be over the limit will be arrested.

The legal blood alcohol limit is 0.05g per 100ml, while the legal breath limit is less than 0.24mg in 1 000ml of breath.

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