
Security tips from a response officer

ROODEPOORT – Response Officer Linda Dlamini says awareness could protect your family against criminals.

Security is something that Response Officer Linda Dlamini takes very serious. He works for Beagle Watch and his passion is fighting crime. Dlamini explains that he observes a lot about criminal behaviour while he is out on his shift. “You notice that criminals are no longer the guys in tattered clothes, driving older cars. No, they are very presentable and they drive around in BMW X5s and other luxury vehicles.”

He added that criminals are opportunists and mistakes made by residents are what these criminals capitalise on. “Home owners need to pay attention to their surroundings as they tend to drive out of their gates without knowing what’s going on behind the gate – if there are criminals waiting for them or not.”

Dlamini explained that residents should be on the lookout for any strange, out-of-the-normal activities in their suburb. “If an unfamiliar car is driving around in your area immediately call your security company and the police and do not go out and engage with these strangers as they might be criminals.”

His third tip to homeowners was for them to make sure that their alarm and security system is in working order. “Walls and electric fences deter criminals to an extent, but if they want to come into your property, they will find a way. Ensure that your alarm system is working and that you have your neighbour’s cellphone number on hand whenever you think that you are about to be robbed or [your home] broken into.”

He concluded and said, “Keep your eyes open and take the necessary steps to ensure your own safety and that of your family.”

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