Sewage gives residents the run around

MULDERSDRIFT— Dirty water and rubbish has muldersdrift residents concerned for their health as the pollution runs into the wetlands.

Sewage running down the street on Van Zyl Road in Muldersdrift has residents upset because it runs into the wetlands and directly into the neighbouring dam. To make matters worse, the disgusting mess is right next to a nursery school, causing potential health issues for the children. The sewage runs out from the Interactive Security property, out on the street and into the wetlands and residents say during rainy weather the mess is much worse and the stench unbearable. A spokesperson for the Steynesvlei-Northvale Ratepayer’s Association (SNRA), Bernice Read, says the issue has been going on for years and complaints to the owners have been in vain. “It is disgusting that we live like this. The sewage runs into the wetlands and the dam and whenever it rains, we all get the runnings. Who knows what we are going to end up catching? The owner has actually said he is surprised nothing has been done about it.”

Read added that at any time of the day, small children can be seen playing next to the area, which is a clear health hazard. Ward 29 councillor Jacques Hoon says the owners of the property have not provided sewage facilities for the tenants because there is no water. “The owner is not accepting responsibility in this matter and I would really advise the residents to sign a petition against the owner and only then can the councillor act. At this point, it is very difficult to take the matter up because the owner is oblivious to the whole situation.”

The principal at the nursery school agreed with Hoon and added that when it is something in someone else’s property, it’s very hard to do anything about it. She said the tenants live in extreme circumstances where they are forced to rent a small space with a lot of other people. Efforts to contact Interactive Security were unsuccessful.

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