A King’s farewell

RUIMSIG – The King's School West Rand matric pupils can now prepare for the final exams with ease after a night out at Mellow Oaks.

The King’s School West Rand Grade 12 pupils received a stylish send-off at their matric farewell on 25 September.

The lavishly dressed matrics pulled out all the stops for the evening, arriving in vehicles of different shapes and sizes at an equally lavish venue at Mellow Oaks in Ruimsig.

The Northsider team had front-row seats to the spectacle, where parents watched with pride as their young lads and dames stepped out of the white limousines, red Ferraris and silver Maseratis – donning their best ensembles.

Overall, the ambience complimented The King’s School final years who had reason to celebrate for making it this far.


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