
Woman locked in trunk for four days

Kidnapped Roodepoort woman found.

29-year-old Yolandi Faulkner from Roodepoort who has been kidnapped and locked in the trunk of her car was found on 13 September.

Faulkner was kidnapped by two men on 6 September while on her way to work. She was in Newlands at the time of the kidnapping after having picked up her vehicle from a mechanic. After the kidnappers drove around with her and threatning her with a firearm, they locked her in the trunk of her vehicle where she was kept for four days.

Faulkner started sending a friend smses from the trunk but the friend only informed the police on Monday. On Thursday night (11 September) the two men sold the car with Faulkner in the trunk. The man who bought the car dropped her of at an unknown location.

The Bosmont CPF spotted her vehicle and the new ‘owner’ took them and the police to where he had dropped her off.

According to Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs no one has been arrested yet. The police soon will sit with Faulkner to draw up an identikit.

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  1. It is bad enough that we have huge crime in sa but even more sad that the public have to use the circumstances of crime to lie to the public about what really happened. This is not the truth and I just wanted to state that as there is first hand knowledge about it.
    Families must wake up to the fact that stuff happens and they must deal with it. I dont believe this report just my opinion.

  2. It is just sad that everyone is feeling sorry for her when we (people that know her personally) know what the truth is and that she is lying. I really hope you do a follow up on this story and come to the truth!

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