Help honour our community heroes

The On Florida Public Safety Portfolio and Hungry Hearts team up to honour local heroes.

The On Florida Public Safety Portfolio will honour community heroes this September.

On Heritage Day, Wednesday 24 September On Florida will host a braai for those who fight against crime in the community.

“We have partnered with Hungry Hearts Foundation to honour our heroes,” Caleb Finn states in a recent email.

“The fight against crime is a gruelling one that many community patrollers, security officers and police officers face every day.

“Many of them also fall in the line of duty and receive very little thanks for their efforts.”

Finn says they plan to include Florida Police officers as well as various local security companies and some community forums in the celebrations.

He says Hungry Hearts is spearheading this initiative and they are appealing for donations of cold drinks, meat, charcoal, margarine and rolls among the items they need to organise the event.

To find out more or see how one can help in honouring these heroes contact Jessica on 076 538 1224 or via email at

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