Construction project almost completed

WELTEVREDEN PARK – Repairs on the bridge that collapse in Cornelius Road are set to be completed by the end of October.

The Johannesburg Roads Agency is repairing a bridge that collapsed in Cornelius Street after heavy rainfall in February, and the completion date is scheduled for the end of October. 
Mark Sullivan from Allaso Construction explained that the challenge now is to complete the project before the rainy season starts again. 
“We are about halfway with the repairs and the river is currently diverted into a smaller stream until we are finished with the concrete work, then we will test it by allowing the stream to run its normal course again through the structure.”
Ward 126 councillor Mike Tonkin arranged an on-site meeting with officials from the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) and the construction company, to establish what still needs to be done. 
Mosa Makhalima from JRA said, “The councillor requested that we keep the two small speed-bumps that were constructed prior to the project, as they help to calm the traffic a bit.”
Sullivan added, “We are also manufacturing pre-cast L-shaped blocks off-site that will support the structure and it will be able to withstand the heavy rainfalls and the rising levels of water in the river.”
Tonkin expresses his appreciation to the community. 
“I want to thank the surrounding community for their patience and understanding as they supported the project by allowing the construction workers to come into their area to repair the bridge that is vital for motorists and traffic flow into and out of the suburb,” said Tonkin.
He concluded and said that if residents have any questions or issues about the project they should feel free to give him a call.
Details: Mike Tonkin 082 564 0160.

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