
Woman attacked in Discovery home

While assaulting the woman, two suspects attempted to rape her.

A woman was attacked and narrowly escaped being raped at her home in Discovery on Tuesday 12 August.

At around 10.45am on Tuesday a member of the Ontdekkers Park Neighbourhood Watch (OPNW) received an emergency call from a resident in Discovery requesting assistance after she was attacked in her home.

While the woman was working in her garden her dogs were barking and running up and down the length of the property. Without her realising it two men had jumped the fence of her property and entered her house.

“The criminals were ransacking the house and despite the dogs being vocal, she didn’t realise what was happening,” says OPNW spokesperson Bernard Farrell, who responded to the scene.

The woman later went inside and was attacked. The men kicked her but she fought back. While beating her one of them attempted to rape her.

“However, she resisted and fought back. It seems that the suspects decided to make a run for it when the dogs’ barking persisted,” Farrell says.

When Farrell arrived at the scene he assessed the situation and requested assistance from the Florida Police. ADT had also arrived on scene and medical assistance was requested from Netcare. All OPNW patrollers were alerted and asked to stay on the lookout.

“The police’s response was swift and investigations were initiated. Paramedics found that the victim needed to be admitted to hospital as she had sustained two broken ribs and numerous bruises to her body. She since was discharged from hospital.”

Only a pair of bright blue running shoes were stolen from the house, says Farrell.

“Be extremely vigilant and note any person sitting on the pavement in your neighbourhood, especially when there is a group of people in the vicinity,” Farrell warns.

“Be extra cautious when entering or leaving your property, no matter what time of day.”

Farrell says the suspects’ faces were captured on CCTV footage, which later was handed over to the police and the Florida CPF for circulation. Photos extracted from the CCTV footage were posted on facebook and on the OPNW website at

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  1. This is getting out of hand. We had a tempt hi jack on Tuesdag nigh around 6.30 pm. Minor injuries. 5 black men and heavely armed. Our dog attackd it was so scary. On the cctv you can see them running with guns driving a silver polo. Thank God we alive.

  2. Mariaan
    I live in Northcliff Ext 15, and we have had reports of a silver polo also doing all sorts of funny things. It seems as if the criminals are not into Polo’s. Also had a report beginning of the week of occupants in a Polo in the Bosmont area trying to grab children.

  3. These criminals are getting out of hand.THere privates need to be cut.Rape is becoming a in thing.

  4. I stay in the Discovery area can you please state in which street did this robbery take place because last week wednesday I saw 2 suspicious looking men standing on the opposite end of our house by a tree in. They looked very out of place as if watching not sure if it is the same men I can remember the one wearing a white hooded jacket.

  5. Should get back to the 1970s when you could shoot these savages dead . Shoot them in the street then drag them into the garden and phone the police . They were the good old days.Shotguns ,sjamboks and dogs are all the savages understand

  6. At around 5am this morning, 27th August, less than 4 weeks after this incident; the neighbour of these victims was hijacked by 3 males.

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