
Police nabs four for house robbery

Quick response leads to successful arrests.

The Florida Police arrested four suspects in two different incidents of house robbery this past week, says police spokesperson Lydia Dikolomela. The first incident occurred on 7 August in Alexandra Road. The complainant was sitting in his yard when two males approached him with a firearm. The suspects locked the man in the boot of his car and to ransacked the house. In the meanwhile the man managed to free himself since it was an old vehicle. He ran to the neighbours who called the police. The two men aged 18 and 27 were arrested while still on the premises. The second incident occurred on 11 August in Eighth Avenue. When the complainant arrived home she found her house in a state of disarray. Two suspects were still in the house and they overpowered her and tied her up. The complainant could hear that more than the initial two suspects were busy ransacking the house. She managed to untie herself and ran to the neighbours to call the police. Two of the suspects aged 18 and 22 were arrested with stolen goods to the value of R30 000 in their possession. Dikolomela attributed the success of both the arrests in the two different incidents to the police’s quick response.

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