Metro officer run over

Man charged with reckless and negligent driving.

A 43-year-old metro policeman, Azwindini Mavunga, was run over this morning at approximately 7am according to JMPD spokesperson Edna Mamonyane.

Mavunga was directing traffic at the busy intersection of Elias Motsoaledi and Main Reef Road when a white Toyota Corolla ran him over. He sustained serious head injuries and was rushed to Life Flora Clinic.

The driver of the vehicle was charged with reckless and negligent driving but not arrested.

“Motorists must slow down when they approach an intersection where they know there is a pointsman on duty or any other piece of road where a officer is directing traffic. The motorist does not know what the reason is why there is a pointsman on duty and must be careful and calm, especially in 60 and 80 zones and also during peak times,” asked Mamonyane.

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