Motorists’ infringements caught on camera

Motorists blatantly ignore traffic light.

As far back as the seventies, the intersection at Corlett Avenue and Ontdekkers Road has been an accident hot spot.

Everyone has a harrowing anecdote of how they narrowly either escaped an accident at the intersection or actually have been involved in one.

On 29 July from approximately 7.50am until 8.10am the record set up a camera at the intersection to see how dangerous it really is. Keep in mind that it was not even peak time when this stretch of road always is extremely busy in all directions. At that stage traffic volumes had decreased substantially.

The outcome once again proved that South African motorists have scant regard for traffic laws as at least seven infringements were counted in the 20 minutes. Most of them revolve around motorists turning either after the arrow on the traffic light has ceased to give them right of way or turning when the traffic light has long turned red.

Take note of the vehicles coming from the left of the screen wanting to turn right across Ontdekkers Road into Corlett Avenue as well as vehicles coming from the right of the screen (Corlett Avenue side) wanting to turn right into Ontdekkers Road.

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