LIfe Wilgeheuwel Hospital shares the love

WILGEHEUWEL – LIfe Wilgeheuwel did their bit for Mandela Day and used their 67 minutes wisely.

Life Wilgeheuwel Hospital shared their 67 minutes for Mandela Day with the staff and children of Children’s Embassy in Munsieville.

Children’s Embassy is a drop-in centre where children can access services such as counselling or protection, as well as educational assistance.

“[Principal Betty Nkoana] runs an amazing set up there and works hand-in-hand with the Krugersdorp Crime Prevention Unit,” said the hospital’s marketing manager Glynis Krebser.

The children and staff were treated to a performance and educational talk by Bobby the Cat from the Crime Protection Unit.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, some of Life Wilgeheuwel Hospital staff members went on a cleaning mission just outside the premises.

Nursing managers from Life Healthcare’s Central Region – which Life Wilgeheuwel falls under – were also present, and brought along non- perishables for the less fortunate.

“Life Healthcare makes a difference to the community by delivering quality care to our patients on a daily basis,” said regional nursing manager Hanlie Geyser.

“Caring goes beyond our patients and this is why we decided to contribute towards 67 Minutes for Nelson Mandela by collecting for the less fortunate in the community,” she added.

Cleaning services company Supercare staff members also contributed the time at the hospital.

“They washed all the towels and second-hand clothing that was donated by the staff of the hospital,” Krebser informed.

It was an overall fruitful day for the hospital, all in the name of keeping the late former president Nelson Mandela’s legacy alive.

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