18-year-old shot dead in botched rape attempt

SAPS's conduct condemned.

An 18-year-old man was shot dead last night (16 July) at approximately 10.40pm just off Blende Avenue, Roodekrans.

A group of five young people went stargazing on the koppie just behind Blende Avenue when three suspects confronted them. They took their cellphones and other valuables after which they ordered two young women to lie on the ground with the intention of raping them. One of the young men decided to make a run for it to get help, but he was shot in the back. He died on the scene.

Resident Paul Taylor was an eyewitness to most of the events.

“I saw the group of young people take the path that leads to this spot that young people often frequent. Later I heard my dogs bark and when I looked over the wall I noticed that there were more figures in the dark than the initial group. The next moment I heard a man scream and then a shot rang out,” says Taylor.

“I armed myself and then went to investigate. What was really shocking is that we waited almost two hours for the SAPS to arrive. They were making excuses about using the dogs to try and find out where the suspects were and when it was suggested that they despatch the helicopter we were told that it was not fuelled and there was no one available to fly it at night,” says Taylor.

Cor Boer of the Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch also condemned the police’s actions in the strongest terms possible. He confirmed that the Dog Unit was on the scene but that the police could not use the dogs because, according to them, there were already too many scents on the scene. He says that although the neighbourhood watch closed access to the koppie their requests to get the helicopter were met with excuses.

Boer has indicated that the incident will be escalated to the highest ranks within the SAPS.

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