Substation a nest of evils

Businesses affected by loiterers.

The substation at the corner of Ouklip and CR Swart Road, has become the gathering point for loiterers and their criminal activities.

This according to business owners who all have asked to stay anonymous out of fear of victimisation. Especially over weekends the substation, which is next to a small shopping centre, has become the spot where alcohol is consumed publicly, drugs are sold and hidden, and according to one business owner he even witnessed the criminal element charging their cellphones from the substation.

According to the man he has been reporting the problem for the past two years but with no success.

“I have asked City Power to close off the substation but they are not interested. The police recently came out and removed some of the vagrants, but as soon as the police left they came back. One man was even arrested and straight after his release he came back and taunted us about the fact that he is back,” says the business owner.

He also related incidents where their shop windows were pelted and where they physically were intimidated by the loiterers.

At least two of the business owners the record spoke to complained the presence of the inebriated men that hang around is affecting their businesses adversely.

“They come here drunk, all wearing car guard jackets, but they harass our clients more than helping them. Clients have told us straight that they do not want to come to our businesses anymore due to the people that gather here,” says a woman from behind her counter.

Not everyone who makes use of the location are there for illegal activities though. Klaas Chokwe says that he stands at the spot in the hope of getting gardening work. He says the spot is nicely situated and busy, but even though he stands there every day, he is lucky if he gets work twice a week. Chokwe also confirms that people come and hide things inside the substation.

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