Pointsmen are a godsend

JOBURG – Outsurance pointsmen make driving on Beyer's Naudé a breeze when traffic lights are out, group editor Sammi-Jo Botha says.

Not only is it a complete waste of valuable time, sitting in traffic is incredibly frustrating.

Where possible, I try to find alternative routes and avoid heavily congested roads like the plague.

People also tend to forget the rules of the road and drive like idiots in bumper-to-bumper traffic, because they feel by bobbing and weaving in between the traffic, they’ll get to their destination faster.

People also don’t know how to use a traffic light as a four-way stop when the light is out. They just drive through as they please.

Unfortunately, I am forced to drive on Beyers Naudé Drive, a road that is always backed up and there are always traffic lights out of order – one of the worst roads in my opinion.

It can take an hour to drive a few kilometres when a traffic light is out. At the moment there is one traffic light out as I turn into Beyers, and it adds at least 30 minutes to my travel time.

The only thing that has made it a bit better is the presence of Outsurance pointsmen.

When they are there the traffic flows smoothly and everyone seems to remember how to drive properly.

I must also add that the pointsmen are always friendly and dressed very neatly. They actually look like they are happy to be working and enjoy what they do.

They really make such a big difference.

Thank you, Outsurance! The pointsmen are truly a godsend.

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