Are security companies involved in surrounding communities?

ROODEPOORT - Security companies and residents need to work together to protect the communities in which they operate.

Security in Practice CEO Louis Grobler posed the question of whether security companies are actively involved in assisting the community.

“Security companies are seen by most residents as a vehicle with a guard patrolling their area. But what are these companies doing for their communities? Are they helping them out in any way?”

He said community involvement is something that most companies shy away from merely because they mainly focus on generating an income.

“It’s like a cow, you have to feed it in order to be able to get milk from it. The same applies to security companies. The reason why I say so is because these companies operate in the community and by helping out the residents around them then these residents will, in return, support them as well.”

Grobler also said that if a crime was to happen then it’s these companies’ responsibility to help out residents even if they aren’t their clients.

“For example, if a house that isn’t covered by a security company is broken into but their neighbours are affiliated with the company, then it’s [the company’s] responsibility to look out for the residents in their area.”

Chairperson of Our Neighbourhood Florida Caleb Finn said technology also plays a role in the security of a suburb.

“Residents in our area are part of a Whatsapp group that sends out information to its residents whenever an incident occurs. This helps the surrounding residents to be able to help out their neighbours.”

According to Grobler, “It’s not only what your security company can do for you, but what you can do for your security company as well – that makes the difference.”

Details: Louis Grobler 074 102 4905.

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