Embracing new beginnings

Florida Toastmasters induct their new executive committee.

The Florida Toastmasters Club held a successful induction dinner for their new executive committee in June.

Past president and veteran member Tim Knights shared interesting stories about Florida Toastmasters with a speech entitled Florida: What’s next? The club was founded by Terry Collins in September 1974.

Since he joined the club in 1984, he said the culture and quality set by Collins had been maintained throughout.

Michael Glencross later gave practical tips and tricks on how to further one’s verbal skills. He recommended that speakers nail down the main points and use plain, colloquial English. Trophies were handed out by district governor Fran Fraser and president Robert de Kramer to those who have planned their steps wisely in achieving their goals in the past year.

President Aubrey Govere shared some insights into the club’s objectives for the following year. He said he wanted the club to continue pursuing excellence and to branch out.

“We hope to see more and more people at our events this Toastmasters year. We hope to grow.”

The Florida Toastmasters meet every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Huguenot Restaurant in Flora Centre. For further details, visit their website at https://florida.tmclub.co.za. Alternatively contact Michael Glencross on 083 254 5319 or via email at michaelglencross@wbs.co.za, or Tim Knights on 084 894 7542 or via email at timknights@telkomsa.net.


Achievements during 2013/ 2014:

• TVR Trophy awarded to Margaret Roodt for having progressed the most

• Quartus Trophy awarded to Michael Glencross for delivering the best speech of the year

• Florida Toastmasters Evaluation and Mentors Trophy awarded to Barry Nelson for giving great feedback

• Toastmasters Cup awarded to Dick Hallet for being the best Toastmaster of the evening

• Archie Halliday Trophy awarded to Clive Goodman for completing the most major and minor assignments during the year

• Charter Trophy awarded to Dawn Hemming for being the person who did the most for the club during the year

• Dawn Hemming was also recognised by the district governor for being a great public relations officer, and received the Club Public Relations and District Marketing Liaison Award

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