Cost of electricity goes up

Residents of Johannesburg are expected to pay more for electricty

As from today (1 July) Johannesburg residents will pay seven per cent more for their electricity.

The National Energy Regulator of SA (Nersa) granted the Johannesburg municipality, along with ten other big metropolitan municipalities, electricity price increases of between seven and 12,11 per cent. Rural households included.

The price increases are supposed to protect revenue, cover distribution losses and contribute to infrastructure maintenance and improvement.

The additional money also is supposed to fund a smart metering pilot project. 34 000 meters already have been installed in Johannesburg and in addition with other costs, the roll out costs R1,25 billion.

It also seems that there are some technical problems with the meters as some people have complained about receiving increased costs for no discernible reason and some of the meters cannot be read remotely.

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