Die Adelaar introduces feeding scheme

Schools feeding scheme needs the support of the community.

No child should go hungry is the motto at Hoërskool Die Adelaar where a feeding scheme is being run.

With the help of Africa Food for Thought and the Gauteng Department of Education the school is able to feed pupils from 130 families.

A warm meal is prepared for these pupils very day, including during the exams. Sadly, this is the only meal many of these children receive during the day and siblings not attending the school, as well as parents, do not benefit from the feeding scheme.

Because of limited resources the feeding scheme is not open during the school holidays but the school makes food parcels available to families who desperately need it. These parcels are made up completely of donations from pupils, educators, the community and local businesses.

“A healthy, nourished body produces a healthy mind ready to learn. Children who do not receive proper nutrition cannot cope with the academic demands placed on him. No child should ever go hungry,” says Lynette Scott, Deputy Principal of Hoërskool Die Adelaar and founder of the feeding scheme.

Anyone from the community who would like to pledge their assistance, be it a financial or a food donation, can contact the school on 011 762 1044 or drop it off at the corner of South Avenue and Vermooten Road in Princess.

Food parcels can consist of non-perishable foodstuffs as well as basic toiletries, but any donation that will benefit the children and their families will be appreciated

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