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Metro Police officer calls motorist ‘f****** racist’

Driver says she was wrongly fined and abused verbally.

A resident who was fined early on Tuesday (20 May) night by the Metro Police claims she was verbally abused and wrongfully fined by the officer.

The young woman, 19, who prefers to stay anonymous out of fear of victimisation, was travelling with her mother in Princess when they turned from President Street into CR Swart Road.

Although she claims that she did stop completely in order to give another motorist who was at the stop street first a chance to go, she was pulled over by a Metro Police officer.

A minor argument ensued but the officer insisted she did not stop and proceeded to write the fine. He then allegedly threw the fine book into the car and told her to fill in her details.

In the meanwhile she and her mother noticed that other motorists who did indeed not stop were only pulled over and given warnings. When she asked the officer why she who did not commit an offence gets a ticket while those who do just receive warnings, she was told “because you are a f****** racist”.

Both she and her mother feels that the Metro Police officer’s behaviour was highly uncalled for.

She supplied the record with a copy of the infringement notice, which includes the officer’s name and force number and this will be forwarded to Metro Police spokesperson Wayne Minnaar.

Minnaar explains the processes that could apply in this situation.

A motorist who receives a fine has a right to apply to cancel the fine. This can be done at the Metro Police office at the Roodepoort Civic Centre. Minnaar, however, says that motorist should not argue or interfere with an officer on the scene but allow him/ her to do his/ her work and finish writing the infringement notice.

As far as the misconduct of officers are concerned, motorists can report such incidents at the JMPD Internal Affairs Unit between 8am and 3pm during the week at 011 490 1703.

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  1. Sad but true that racism iz still rife nd being practised by peeople that are ignorant… Thiz does not give U the right to provoke or antagonise authority or people… Was it necessary to argue the issue… No coz there are procedurez nd wayz to attend to incorrect or unlawful fining… But coz your ego is bruised now its necessary to make a scene… By not acknowledging authority or argueing showz dissrespect… The other thing what others do or get away with iz none of your business its not a comparison game… Attend to your own issuez

  2. Just the fact that the officer threw the fine book at the member of the public,raises questions.As rates and tax payers,we should be allowed to lay complaints at the nearest office when an officer is guilty of false accusation,bribery or behaving in a racist manner.They now they get away with their uniforms and that worsens the relationship between the public and the cops.The police should be trained how to deal with the public in a professional way,they should have a drivers license AND BE LIT
    ERED in at least English and one other language.To throw a book at a member of the public to complete her details is a sign of incompetence.Very poor and impressionable misconduct by the Metro police.South Africa is seen as n police state in Australia and al these issues add up to one big issue, making people from other worlds think twice to invest or simply tour the country.The devaluation of the Rand says it all.The time will come when every one will have to fend for him or herself.I see an Arab spring in the very near future.

  3. Just the fact that the officer threw the fine book at the member of the public,raises questions.As rates and tax payers,we should be allowed to lay complaints at the nearest office when an officer is guilty of false accusation,bribery or behaving in a racist manner.They now they get away with their uniforms and that worsens the relationship between the public and the cops.The police should be trained how to deal with the public in a professional way,they should have a drivers license AND BE LITERED in at least English and one other language.To throw a book at a member of the public to complete her details is a sign of incompetence.Very poor and impressionable misconduct by the Metro police.South Africa is seen as n police state in Australia and al these issues add up to one big issue, making people from other worlds think twice to invest or simply tour the country.The devaluation of the Rand says it all.The time will come when every one will have to fend for him or herself.I see an Arab spring in the very near future.

  4. The police and metro police is there to protect the public and should be able to to just that. The most goverment employees are placed in positons based on their colour not their abbility to do their job. It is a fact…call me racist I dont mind. You know you only got the job because you are Black.

  5. I dont trust the police or metro and believe that this did happen.
    And its actualy the other way around they got a ticket becuase they were singled out as white only white people get tickets because they are the only law abiding people that will actually pay it….

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