ANC Zone Five thanks their voters

"The people has spoken" - ANC

The 2014 elections have come and gone and the people of South Africa once again have spoken.

The record spoke to the African National Congress’ (ANC) Zone 5 Communication Officer Raymond Martin about the party’s success in this year’s national elections.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all South Africans who voted for the ANC. We as the ANC truly are humbled for the confidence and loyalty shown towards our movement. The people can rest assured that their support and loyalty towards the ANC never will be undermined or taken for granted,” says Martin.

“This vote of confidence should inspire all of us in the leadership of the ANC to continue to dedicate and commit to changing the lives of the ordinary people for the better. Comrade Gwede Mantashe puts it more aptly in his statement when he said that “the message is that the ANC has made commitments in the manifesto and it will execute them with precision. The party was recommitted to building the country and addressing issues in areas where people had voiced concerns.”

Martin says that an expression of appreciation would not be complete if the ANC were not to acknowledge and appreciate the legions of volunteers, the Moses Kotane Brigade, for sacrificing their time and resources to ensure a decisive victory for the ANC.

“We today would not have been able to tell any good story if it were not for their unwavering support and dedication to changing the lives of the people of South Africa for the better.

“The management and all the staff of the IEC deserve a pat on the back for the stunning work that they have done despite the mammoth task entrusted upon them. It certainly was no mean feat but all officials rose above criticism and delivered an effective and highly efficient voting process,” says Martin.

On behalf of his party, Martin would like to express his appreciation for the conduct of all political parties during the election process.

“The discipline and cooperation displayed bodes well for the future of this country. Our country has come a long way since the days of violence that marred the previous elections and this is indicative of the maturing democracy in this beautiful country we live in.

“Now that all the celebrations are over, the time has come for all South Africans to put shoulder to the wheel and build a brighter and a very prosperous South Africa that we all can be proud of,” concluded Martin.

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