Gauteng’s top five parties give their impressions

Parties biting nails in Gauteng.

For most of the bigger parties winning Gauteng province was one of the main aims in this year’s elections.

On 8 May at 3pm the results stood as follows: ANC (59 per cent), DA (26.7 per cent), EFF (8,5 per cent), Freedom Front Plus (FF+) (1,5 per cent) and the UDM (0,6 per cent).

The record spoke to some of the parties’ representatives to find out where their confidence levels were at at this stage of the waiting game and whether anyone wanted to risk a prediction.

FF+ Councillor and Chief Whip Franco de Lange told the record that his party is still positive due to the fact that all the metros votes have not been counted yet. De Lange said that should there be a major upset in which the ANC loses votes it will open the door for opposition parties to enter into coalition agreements in order to break the ANC’s power in the province.

National media liason for the UDM, Jana Warfemius, said that though it is still early, that her party are grateful for every vote.

“At the end of the day every vote will help to get representation for our people in parliament. Depending on the will of the people, the UDM will definitely be open to discuss agreements to co-operate with other parties in the province,” says Warffenius.

The DA’s national spokesperson and premiership candidate for Gauteng, Mmusi Maimane, was reluctant to to make a prediction.

“Due to the fact that the metros votes are still outstanding it is now a game of wait and see,” says Maimane

Rupert September, ANC spokesperson for Zone Six were positive about his party’s performance in the province.

“We are very positive that we will come out strong. The EFF does not bother us because the votes they got are the Cope votes. I do not believe it affected us. We are also waiting for the votes of areas such as Soweto, Braamfischervill and Dobsonville where we have a very big support base,” says September.

No spokesperson of the EFF could be reached for comment.

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