Beauties celebrate Easter at Angel’s Place

Girls share their beautiful hearts.

The winners of different categories in the Miss Roodepoort Competition 2013/2014 gathered at Angel’s Place Children’s Home on 19 April to celebrate Easter.

Angel’s Place is a safe haven for abused, traumatised and neglected children, functioning under the auspices of the Roodepoort Child and Family Welfare Society.

Angel’s Place is not an institution, but a proper home where children who have been exposed to horrendous circumstances, receive the love, warmth, attention, guidance and the security they need to become whole again. The children learn that they matter, that they are special, and that each of them has an important purpose in life. In order for them to learn how to fulfil their purpose and potential, they are helped and encouraged to grow and develop spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and socially. The warm and stable home environment of Angel’s Place furthermore helps them cope with the inevitable trauma accompanying the pending court cases.

The winner of the competition, Jessica van Heerden was joined by Pabi Notoana (Miss Roodepoort first princess), Anene Smit (Miss Roodepoort Debutante) and Tharina Botes (Miss Teen Roodepoort).

“We felt that we wanted to share this Christian holiday with our Christian brothers and sisters and make it special for them,” say Jessica.

The girls arranged an Easter egg hunt and food and drinks for the 12 residents from the house who ranges from two to 15 years old.

“When I became Miss Roodepoort I decided rather than targeting big welfare organisations with my fundraising efforts, I want to direct it at smaller welfare organisations such as Angel’s Place. The level of intimacy is just so much more rewarding and it feels like you really can make an impact,” says Jessica.

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