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Community fed up with ‘holy’ roads

Deteriorating roads make residents take extreme action.

The bad state of the roads remains a hot topic everywhere one goes.

Over time some residents have come up with innovative ways either to warn people against potholes or protest against them.

One example is of a woman seen planting flowers in the holes to make them visible and another is of a man who decided to fix the potholes on Albertina Sisulu Road out of his own pocket.

The latest of what presumably is a public-driven attempt to warn people that a drain grid was stolen can be found in Hossack Avenue, Horizon View.

The drain the grid is supposed to cover runs across the road and is dangerously deep.

A person or persons filled up this dangerous drain with everything they could lay their hands on, including tyres and traffic cones.

The attempt seems quite aggressive but definitely serves its purpose.

One resident, Adrian Mayton, who walked past angrily commented that “it can not go on like this. Its just getting worse”.

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