Charity celebrates its success

NOOITGEDACHT - Humanitarian organisation shares on its achievements

Humanitarian relief organisation, Joint Aid Management celebrated its success of last year.

In a very classy event, they invited all their donors and sponsors to share their achievements.

As breakfast is believed to be the most important meal of the day, the organisation provides nutritional porridge to underprivileged communities around the country and other countries outside South African borders.

Last year they managed to feed more than 44 373 pre-school children. It cost them R30 to feed one child per month and R360 to feed a child for the whole year.

They also managed to transform 27 childcare centres. “Our objective is to improve the infrastructure of childcare centres to create a healthy and safe learning environment,” explained CEO of the organisation Peter Pretorius.

With one of their visions being helping Africa to help itself, the organisation also equips micro farmers and last year trained 312 of them.

Pretorius thanked all the sponsors and said, “For this year we plan to beat our 2013 successes working in alignment of our motto ‘fueled by passion, built on integrity, driven by dedication and challenged by opportunity’.”

Their goal for this year is to feed 55 000 children.

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