School has political agenda, says mother

"You are ilitterate like Zuma," says teacher to pupil.

A minor furore has broken out at Ridgevale Primary School following a remark a teacher made to a pupil.

Allegedly the teacher told the pupil after he could not get a maths answer right that he was “illiterate like Zuma”.

The mother complained after the child came home and told her that he had asked the teacher who she was going to vote for. She allegedly answered “not the ANC because Zuma has not gone to school”.

The mother who can not be named to protect the child’s identity asked, “Why should a teacher utter such a statement to 10-year-olds, who are very young and impressionable? It is clear that the school has become an arena to push political agendas in a very subtle way. She (the teacher) was playing a DA agenda by discrediting the ANC president.”

The accused teacher, spoke to The Star newspaper. She denied the allegations, saying it was taken out of context.

The school allegedly defended the teacher.

When the Record spoke to principal TJ Jordaan, he said that the Department of Education gave him instructions not to speak to the press. He did tell the Record though that the department has launched a full investigation.

“The incident has been taken completely out of context,” said Jordaan.

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