What is a ‘state of the province’ address?

A quick guide to the state of the province address.

The State of the Province Address commonly is known as Sopa.

This address is presented by the Premier of a province shortly after the President has delivered his State of the Nation address at the opening of parliament in Cape Town

The Premier presents the Sopa to the legislature, which consists of the Speaker and Members of the Provincial Legislature (MPL) from the different political parties during the opening of the Provincial Legislature. This opening takes place just before the start of the financial year, which is in April.

The address serves to inform the legislature and public about the achievements of the previous year, and where there were failures, how they can be rectified. The Premier also states new goals for the year ahead and how they will be implemented.

Issues usually included in the Sopa, but not limited to, are education, health and social development, growing the economy, the creation of jobs, infrastructure and the development of informal settlements in the province.

Only invited members of the provincial parliament and public are allowed to attend but all citizens can participate in the event by visiting special viewing locations where there are big screens, or by watching it via the national broadcaster, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

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