Joey Rasdien talks evolution

Don't miss Joey Rasdien performing at Silverstar Casino in March.

“Don’t ask me how I got into comedy, I get that question with every single interview,” Joey Rasdien told journalists at a media interview at Silverstar Casino on Friday 7 February.

Joey was at the casino on Friday to talk to the media about his views and his upcoming show there in March. Silverstar events manager Matthew Cook explained that they were very excited to be hosting him for his latest show entitled Evolved.

When asked whether being a comedian means a bigger financial reward compared to being a financial advisor (his previous job), Joey explained that he didn’t enjoy the latter.

“Whether the reward is more or less the same compared to what I did previously doesn’t matter.”

In 2005 he walked away from his other career to become a full-time comedian.

“If you’re happy in what you do, if you enjoy it, money does not make a difference.”

Joey explained that his goal with Evolved was to change perspectives. Evolved is about how humans and life have evolved into what is experienced today.

“My shows, and comedy in fact [to me], all come down to one’s point of reference. The wise person sees the wisdom in a short line, and the person that is stupid will look for the stupidity in a wise word, or something like that,” Joey said while trying to remember a quote he had read recently, pointing out that one’s views influence one’s enjoyment of something.

“It depends on what your point of reference is and what your intention is. I intend to use my ability and my blessing to change perceptions. I see it as my responsibility.

“How can evolution be funny? That’s the point, that’s why people should come and watch the show.”

Joey proudly does his own marketing, relying mostly on social media.

“I don’t necessarily want to be famous but I do want to be respected and appreciated for my work. If people enjoy your work, they’ll find you and find out about your shows,” he said, emphasising the importance of an online presence.

He lists his personal heroes and influences as Woody Allen and George Carlin.

Joey Rasdien presents Evolved at Silverstar Casino in Muldersdrift on Friday 7 March. For more information, contact Silverstar Casino on 011 662 7300.

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